CSR documents
BOIRON Laboratories Health & Safety Policy (Only in French)
BOIRON Laboratories' Ecodesign Policy (Only in French)
BOIRON Laboratories' Human Resources policy (Only in French)
BOIRON Laboratories' Compendium of the Rules of Ethics (Only in French)
BOIRON Laboratories' environmental policy (Only in French)
BOIRON Laboratories' Responsible Purchasing Policy (Only in French)
Les Laboratoires BOIRON publient leur bilan carbone scope 3 (only in French)
Sustainable development at the heart of the company's strategy
Sustainable development is one of the core challenges facing the world today.
Since 1932, BOIRON has been working to create therapies that combine a humanistic approach with a low environmental impact.
BOIRON has built three main pillars, founded in a shared goal: to promote more caring, more respectful, and more sustainable healthcare.
These core pillars are broken down into fourteen commitments based on sector analysis and external interviews and approved by the CSR Steering Committee, General Management, and the Audit Committee.
This work has led to the creation of the BOIRON commitments matrix.
Respondents were asked to score each commitment. The lowest score was 7.9/10. The graph above is based on a scale of 7 to 10.
“Continuing to develop high-quality, risk-free products that meet the needs of patients, animals, and nature” is the major commitment of the matrix. The fact that this aspect stood out so strongly points to a clear alignment between the company’s strategy and external stakeholders’ expectations about BOIRON’s commitment. “Caring with the utmost respect.”
Formalizing and ranking these fourteen commitments is a valuable guide for prioritizing actions, defining targets and monitoring indicators.
These fourteen commitments, which reflect the UN “Sustainable Development Goals” (SDGs), are explained below: