Regulated Information

  1. Boiron Finances
  2. Regulated Information
Blocs de contenu

Financial reports

2024 Half-year report (Only in French)


Communiqué de presse : Les Laboratoires Boiron réorganisent une partie de leur activité en France (only in French)

First-half 2024 sales and results (Only in French)

Éligibilité des titres BOIRON au PEA-PME (only in French)

OPAS 2024

Notice of General Meeting of Shareholders scheduled for 16 October 2023

Definitive transfer of majority shareholding to BOIRON DEVELOPPEMENT

Press release on the appointment of an independent expert

The family shareholders of BOIRON announce their intention to launch a simplified public tender offer for the shares of BOIRON SA

Monthly information on the total number of voting rights and shares making up the company capital

Declaration of voting rights as of November 30,2024 (Only in French)

Declaration of voting rights as of October 31,2024 (Only in French)

Declaration of voting rights as of September 30,2024 (Only in French)

Declaration of voting rights as of August 31,2024 (Only in French)

Declaration of voting rights as of July 31,2024 (Only in French)

Declaration of voting rights as of March 31,2024 (Only in French)

Declaration of voting rights as of February 29,2024 (Only in French)

Declaration of voting rights as of January 31,2024 (Only in French)

Description of the share buy-back program

Déclaration des transactions sur actions propres réalisées du 07 au 11 Mars 2022 (only in french)

Déclaration des transactions sur actions propres réalisées du 28 février au 04 Mars 2022 (only in French)

Déclaration des transactions sur actions propres réalisées du 21 au 25 Février 2022 (only on French)

Déclaration des transactions sur actions propres réalisées du 14 au 18 Février 2022 (only in French)

Déclaration des transactions sur actions propres réalisées du 07 février au 14 Février 2022 (only in French)

Déclaration des transactions sur actions propres réalisées du 31 Janvier au 04 Février 2022 (only in french)


Projected timetable of the next publications and events 2025 (Only in French)